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원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Anti-Aliasing LearnOpenGL - Anti Aliasing Anti Aliasing Advanced-OpenGL/Anti-Aliasing Somewhere in your adventurous rendering journey you probably came across some jagged saw-like patterns along the edges of your models. The reason these jagged edges appear is due to how the rasterizer transforms learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 gyutts.tistory.com/160?category=755809..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing LearnOpenGL - Instancing Instancing Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing Say you have a scene where you're drawing a lot of models where most of these models contain the same set of vertex data, but with different world transformations. Think of a scene filled with grass leaves: each grass learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 gyutts.tistory.com/158?category=755809 Learn..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Geometry-Shader LearnOpenGL - Geometry Shader Geometry Shader Advanced-OpenGL/Geometry-Shader Between the vertex and the fragment shader there is an optional shader stage called the geometry shader. A geometry shader takes as input a set of vertices that form a single primitive e.g. a point or a trian learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/34?cate..