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원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Depth-testing LearnOpenGL - Depth testing Depth testing Advanced-OpenGL/Depth-testing In the coordinate systems chapter we've rendered a 3D container and made use of a depth buffer to prevent triangles rendering in the front while they're supposed to be behind other triangles. In this chapter we'r learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/24?category..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Model LearnOpenGL - Model Model Model-Loading/Model Now it is time to get our hands dirty with Assimp and start creating the actual loading and translation code. The goal of this chapter is to create another class that represents a model in its entirety, that is, a model that conta learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/23?category=757483 [Learn Ope..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Mesh LearnOpenGL - Mesh Mesh Model-Loading/Mesh With Assimp we can load many different models into the application, but once loaded they're all stored in Assimp's data structures. What we eventually want is to transform that data to a format that OpenGL understands so that we can learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/22?category=757483 [Learn OpenG..