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원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Assimp LearnOpenGL - Assimp Assimp Model-Loading/Assimp In all the scenes so far we've been extensively playing with our little container friend, but over time, even our best friends can get a little boring. In bigger graphics applications, there are usually lots of complicated and i learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/21?category=757483 [Learn O..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Lighting/Multiple-lights LearnOpenGL - Multiple lights Multiple lights Lighting/Multiple-lights In the previous chapters we learned a lot about lighting in OpenGL. We learned about Phong shading, materials, lighting maps and different types of light casters. In this chapter we're going to combine all the previ learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/20?category=75..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Cubemaps LearnOpenGL - Cubemaps Cubemaps Advanced-OpenGL/Cubemaps We've been using 2D textures for a while now, but there are more texture types we haven't explored yet and in this chapter we'll discuss a texture type that is a combination of multiple textures mapped into one: a cube map learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/29 [Learn OpenGL 번역] ..