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원본 사이트 learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Shaders LearnOpenGL - Shaders Shaders Getting-started/Shaders As mentioned in the Hello Triangle chapter, shaders are little programs that rest on the GPU. These programs are run for each specific section of the graphics pipeline. In a basic sense, shaders are nothing more than program learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/9?category=757483 [Lear..
원본 사이트 learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Shaders LearnOpenGL - Shaders Shaders Getting-started/Shaders As mentioned in the Hello Triangle chapter, shaders are little programs that rest on the GPU. These programs are run for each specific section of the graphics pipeline. In a basic sense, shaders are nothing more than program learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/8?category=757483 [Lear..
원문 사이트 learnopengl.com/Getting-started/OpenGL LearnOpenGL - OpenGL OpenGL Getting-started/OpenGL Before starting our journey we should first define what OpenGL actually is. OpenGL is mainly considered an API (an Application Programming Interface) that provides us with a large set of functions that we can use to manipulate learnopengl.com 번역 사이트 heinleinsgame.tistory.com/category/OpenGL 'OpenGL' ..